International Daily Finance News

Has Kasich dropped out? Many unsure he is still running

Has Kasich dropped out? Many unsure he is still running

Mar 26, 2016

Is John Kasich still running for president? Calls for Kasich to drop out of the race may have gone unanswered as many people are unsure of who he is or if he’s still in the race. Yet his campaign continues on…

Bernie Sanders gets the bird in Portland

Bernie Sanders gets the bird in Portland

Mar 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders won the popular bird endorsement today. During the Bernie rally attended by thousands of Portland hipsters, a small bird landed on the podium. The crowd, drunk with Bernie’s promises of a better world were treated to a message of peace. The…

IDF startup hacks maps to give battlefield commanders edge

IDF startup hacks maps to give battlefield commanders edge

Mar 25, 2016

An IDF programming team created a new battlefield mapping system at a recent hackathon hosted by Ben-Gurion University. The demonstration of the “Noked” software showed how the new 3-d battlefield mapping tool could reshape the face of warfare. IDF is constantly working…

IDF Underground Iron Dome is used to fight Gaza Tunnels

IDF Underground Iron Dome is used to fight Gaza Tunnels

Mar 24, 2016

IDF forces have been working with Americans to build specialized tunnels designed to dismantle the ones built by Hamas. Last week Foreign Policy reported that the IDF is calling this program the “Underground Iron Dome”. Seismic sensor and other sensitive equipment are…

Emergency Preparedness, Food Storage, and Gun sales may surge under Trump Presidency

Emergency Preparedness, Food Storage, and Gun sales may surge under Trump Presidency

Mar 24, 2016

Food storage, emergency preparedness products and guns sales surged when Obama was elected president. Right wing conservatives were worried that an Obama administration would weaken their 2nd amendment rights and stockpiled guns and ammunition along with food storage supplies. Trust in…

Inbox Dollars Review – What is InboxDollars?

Inbox Dollars Review – What is InboxDollars?

Mar 24, 2016

InboxDollars Online Surveys What is Inbox Dollars? It is a loyalty rewards program that pays people for their everyday online activities. Inbox Dollars connects people with popular brands to learn how to better serve consumers through engaging actions. Users earn fun rewards…

Obama seeks hope and change in Cuba

Obama seeks hope and change in Cuba

Mar 23, 2016

Obama made history this week as he was the first US president to visit the communist island of Cuba since 1928. During his visit he met with Raul Castro and gave a speech to the people of Cuba attempting to…

Global Test Market Online Surveys Review

Global Test Market Online Surveys Review

Mar 23, 2016

Global Test Market, the largest online survey service is expanding. Since their start sixteen years ago, this company has grown globally connecting businesses and consumers with reviews and marketing insights. Thier paid online surveys have help shape the product features and services…

Is FBI getting help cracking San Bernardino terror iPhone from Israeli firm?

Is FBI getting help cracking San Bernardino terror iPhone from Israeli firm?

Mar 23, 2016

The FBI is working with Cellbrite, a mobile data recovery firm from Petah Tikva, Israel as reported by Yedioth Ahronoth. Cellbrite provides mobile forensic software that may be used in unlocking the iPhone used by terrorist shooter Syed Rizwan Farook…

LDS Missionary Injured in Brussels Attack was at Boston Marathon Bombing

LDS Missionary Injured in Brussels Attack was at Boston Marathon Bombing

Mar 22, 2016

Mason Wells, a 19 year old Mormon Missionary was seriously injured in the Brussels airport terror attack. The young missionary was close the the blast that tore his achilles tendon and caused a gash on his head. His injuries included second- and…

AIPAC – Netanyahu Links Brussels Attacks as Threats to Isreal

AIPAC – Netanyahu Links Brussels Attacks as Threats to Isreal

Mar 22, 2016

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tied the recent terrorist attacks in Belgium to attacks in his country via satellite to the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C. “The chain of attacks from…

IDF Weapons – Remington Shotgun used for breaching

IDF Weapons – Remington Shotgun used for breaching

Jan 19, 2016

Shotguns used to typically be known as fowling pieces used for mainly killing birds. They fire projectiles called slugs, or they can fire round pellets commonly known as shots. They are meant to be fired from the shoulder. They operate…



Jan 7, 2016

The Israel Defense Forces are always at the forefront of innovation when it comes to combat training. Here’s a look at two recent stories on the Israel Defense Forces blog about how Israel’s soldiers are training for combat. Perfect Fighting Condition…



Jan 6, 2016

    Israel Radio is reporting that two Israeli Arabs were kicked off a flight from Athens to Israel after Israeli Jewish passengers forced the crew to remove the pair. According to reports, the Jewish Israelis felt that the Israeli Arabs…

IDF Soldiers, Officers Aided by Military Technology

IDF Soldiers, Officers Aided by Military Technology

Nov 4, 2015

The latest in military technology is helping soldiers and officers of the Israeli Defense forces perform their duties more efficiently and effectively than ever before. A recent story on the IDF Blog takes an in-depth look at the new helmets…

IDF Soldiers, Officers Warned About Possible CIA Recruitment

IDF Soldiers, Officers Warned About Possible CIA Recruitment

Nov 3, 2015

Soldiers and officers of the Israel Defense Forces were just issued a letter warning them about possible recruitment by the American Central Intelligence Agency. The communication came from IDF Military Intelligence, and stated that the CIA may attempt to recruit…

IDF Tips for shooting a Glock

IDF Tips for shooting a Glock

Nov 3, 2015

Israelis are turning to an iconic American firearm for their own self defense. There are a number of tricks and techniques involved when it comes to shooting a glock. Hailed as America’s “weapon of choice”, the glock has become the…

Could Israel Lead the Way in Cannabis Startups?

Could Israel Lead the Way in Cannabis Startups?

Oct 28, 2015

According to a recent story on, Israel’s recent work to decriminalize marijuana could result in the nation becoming a worldwide cannabis superpower. Israel has lately built a reputation for fostering innovative tech startups, as well as its advancements in…