Mistakes That Can Cost Your Business Big

When running a business, there’s already a lot you need to manage. On top of everything, you need to make sure you avoid certain mistakes. Making this a priority can help you to avoid damaging or setting back your business. Not Valuing Clients Your clients are an integral part of your business. While it’s easy…

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Why Technology is Giving an Advantage to Small Businesses

At first glance, small businesses have a long way to go if they want to have any hopes of competing against their larger counterparts. Certainly they tend to have much smaller budgets to work with, which usually translates to fewer resources and sometimes compromising on quality in some areas. These days, however, the playing field…

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How to Start a Career Without Leaving Your House

Perhaps you are a stay-at-home parent or are confined to your home for health reasons. Or, maybe you just prefer to do things from the comforts of your own home. Whatever your reasons, rest assured that there are plenty of great careers that you can pursue—and you won’t even have to leave the front door!…

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Business Functions That Don’t Leave a Lot of Room for Error

Business operations are always complicated, difficult to manage, and stressful to stay on top of. This is often because businesses run with limited room for error, operating with razor thin margins and struggling to make the right moves at every turn. When it comes to running business there are certain functions that require exactness, with…

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Ongoing Business Costs You Can’t Skip Out On

You run a business to make money. However, (as the saying goes,) it takes money to make money, and some of those costs are ongoing! Forgetting or shirking regular payments for things like your office space, maintenance, equipment and more will very quickly cause major problems, as you find yourself without the space or materials…

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How to Almost Guarantee More Traffic to Your Website

A successful website needs more than great graphics and compelling content—it needs visitors. The “build-it-and-they-will-come” approach won’t work in attracting people to your website. Instead, you need to implement several strategies to get people’s attention and entice them to click. Understand Website Metrics Website metrics measure success in a number of ways. For example, unique…

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Why Running a Business Has Been So Difficult Lately

The business world is extremely competitive. Competing companies, economic health, internal conflict, and personal goals can significantly impact business performance. Here are a few specific factors that have made running a business so difficult lately! Uncertainty About Economic Outlook The COVID-19 pandemic and policy responses have caused a huge increase in economic uncertainty. Increasing questions…

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How to Increase Business Productivity with Technology

If there is one thing that businesses have learned from the challenges of COVID-19, it is the power of technology. Technological advancements have allowed businesses to function even through lockdowns and health limitations, and have exposed them to a larger audience. If you’re wondering how technology can increase your business productivity and bring you more…

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Eric Jia-Sobota launches EverGlade Cares to Support Pandemic Response

Eric Jia Sobota

Eric Jia-Sobota is the national leader of EverGlade Consulting, a renowned consulting company that gives clients knowledge on developing and optimizing their marketing strategies. His main objective is to help companies execute growth strategies in Government contracting. With over two decades of experience, he has worked with industries that offer Federal Contracting, Life Sciences, Non-Profit,…

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Social Media Platforms Every Business Should Consider Using

One band-wagon you don’t want to miss jumping onto is social media marketing for your business. Utilizing social media is a painless and inexpensive way to get your business out there and increase awareness of your brand. If you are feeling intimidated by the plethora of platforms out there, here is a guide to the…

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