Daredevil and Agents of SHIELD Lead Directly To Civil War

Daredevil and Agents of SHIELD Lead Directly To Civil War

Marvel’s Daredevil by Netflix and Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD on ABC returned with new episodes for 2016 in March, Agent of SHIELD on March 8th and Daredevil on March 18th. Currently neither show has made any connection with one another either directly or through the use of so called “Easter Eggs”. We know that both shows…

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Jamberry Nails is Growing – Party Plan Business Model Review

Jamberry Nails is Growing – Party Plan Business Model Review

Jamberry Nails Business Review Jamberry Nails, more commonly referred to simply as Jamberry, is a direct-selling company that specializes in do-it-yourself nail wraps. The Lindon, Utah-based company was founded in 2010 by three sisters—Christy Hepworth, Lyndsey Ekstrom, and Keri Evans. Following a time-consuming, costly trip to the nail salon, the three sisters decided to create a…

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Al Jazeera America Shuts Down – Very few people notice

Al Jazeera America Shuts Down – Very few people notice

Al Jazeera America is going dark tonight after a two and half short years on the air. The network was no longer sustainable as the Qatar based Al Jazeera network announced that the American channel would shut down after failing to attract viewers. Tonight the network will air a three hour special showcasing the video reporting that very…

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Why is Rachel Dolezal trending again? 15 more minutes of imfamy

Why is Rachel Dolezal trending again? 15 more minutes of imfamy

Why is Rachel Dolezal Trending on Twitter? Rachel Dolezal is back in the news today. The racially confused woman and former Spokane NAACP activist joined the “Today” show to discuss her new book and get ridiculed for her strange behaviour. She is trending on Twitter as people continue to mock her unbelievable racial identification. During…

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MonaVie – The purple juice business goes down the drain

MonaVie – The purple juice business goes down the drain

The MonaVie Purple Juice Collapse MonaVie was a multi level marketing (MLM) company that manufactured and sold fruit juice beverages and supplements. For a time, it was a top player in a growing market—some call a fad, others call “cult-like”—that touted the miraculous health benefits of certain berries and “super” juices. MonaVie didn’t sell its…

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Netflix Raises Price to $10 – The price of binging went up $2

Netflix Raises Price to  – The price of binging went up

Netflix is raising the price of their popular streaming service to $9.99 per month. This means that all Netflix subscribers will have to pay an extra 20% to keep watching the same service they have now. Is the price hike worth the extra $2 per month? Netflix has grown from delivering DVDs to homes (does…

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Hillary Clinton’s House of Cards

Hillary Clinton’s House of Cards

Hillary Clinton has survived the Bernie Sanders socialist uprising and has become the first female presidential nominee from a major party. Her rise to power has many wondering if she might be a character out of  the Netflix hit political drama House of Cards. The scandals, investigations, and rumours of corruption read like the script of…

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Is WakeUpNow alive? The death of a marketing scheme

Is WakeUpNow alive? The death of a marketing scheme

Is WakeUpNow dead or alive? With a recent bankruptcy and social media rumors, it may be hard to tell if the the marketing scheme is still around. WakeUpNow was a multi level marketing (MLM) company based out of Provo, Utah, that sold health and financial service products through a network of distributors. These distributors made…

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