Craigslist scams to avoid in East Idaho

Craigslist Boise Craigslist East Idaho

Spotting Craigslist scams in East Idaho Craigslist is a great site for buying and selling motorcycles, renting real estate, finding tools, and even locating pets. With millions of people trusting online classifieds to get rid of furniture or find a deal on a used car, scammers are looking to take advantage of Craigslist users in Boise and East…

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Screening Room – Sean Parker Could Disrupt Movie Theater Industry

sean parker screening room movie theater start up

What is Sean Parker’s Screening Room? Sean Parker, Napster co-founder and former Facebook president, has pitched Screening Room – a new way to disrupt the movie industry. He envisions selling digital streaming of premier movies on opening day. His service would allow people the opportunity to pay $50 to view a new release movie at…

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Daredevil and Agents of SHIELD Lead Directly To Civil War

Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, Marvel TV

Marvel’s Daredevil by Netflix and Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD on ABC returned with new episodes for 2016 in March, Agent of SHIELD on March 8th and Daredevil on March 18th. Currently neither show has made any connection with one another either directly or through the use of so called “Easter Eggs”. We know that both shows…

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Jamberry Nails is Growing – Party Plan Business Model Review

jamberry nails review compensation party plan

Jamberry Nails Business Review Jamberry Nails, more commonly referred to simply as Jamberry, is a direct-selling company that specializes in do-it-yourself nail wraps. The Lindon, Utah-based company was founded in 2010 by three sisters—Christy Hepworth, Lyndsey Ekstrom, and Keri Evans. Following a time-consuming, costly trip to the nail salon, the three sisters decided to create a…

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Al Jazeera America Shuts Down – Very few people notice

al jazeera america shuts down

Al Jazeera America is going dark tonight after a two and half short years on the air. The network was no longer sustainable as the Qatar based Al Jazeera network announced that the American channel would shut down after failing to attract viewers. Tonight the network will air a three hour special showcasing the video reporting that very…

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GOP loses Paul Ryan, may pin hopes on Rubio in Contested Convention

Paul Ryan Marco Rubio GOP convention nominee

Will Ryan or Rubio be the GOP Nominee in Cleveland? House Speaker Paul Ryan will announce Tuesday he’s ruling out any chance for the GOP presidential nomination at the convention in Cleveland. Ryan’s name has been circulated as a possible contender in the event of a contested convention against Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Gov. John…

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Why is Rachel Dolezal trending again? 15 more minutes of imfamy

rachel dolezal trending twitter

Why is Rachel Dolezal Trending on Twitter? Rachel Dolezal is back in the news today. The racially confused woman and former Spokane NAACP activist joined the “Today” show to discuss her new book and get ridiculed for her strange behaviour. She is trending on Twitter as people continue to mock her unbelievable racial identification. During…

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