International Daily Finance News
No one is perfect, and that includes employees. Sometimes, mistakes can be costly for a business. To minimize the amount of money wasted on these expensive errors, it is essential to have a plan to reduce them. These are some…
Described as talented, focused, passionate, engaging, and energetic, Dr. Louis Hampers has spent his career working tirelessly as an Emergency Pediatrician. Known for always putting his patients and his staff before himself, Dr. Hampers has earned acclaim throughout the medical…
Our bodies are incredible, layered, complicated machines. Our nervous system is perfectly constructed to deliver signals to the brain about all of the goings-on in every extremity. Although it might be tempting to push the signs away, it’s important that…
As a parent, one of the best ways to keep your kids safe is to keep a careful eye on them. However, you can’t always be paying undivided attention to them. This is especially true when driving in the car…
Yael Eckstein, IFCJ President and CEO, oversees all ministry programs and serves as the international spokesperson for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Prior to her present duties, Yael served as Global Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, and…
Since arriving in Saipan in 2019, resident oncologist Dr. Peter Brett has diagnosed many patients with late-stage cancers. As someone who is in the business of healing, this is a troubling pattern that often leads to poor outcomes. Preventing cancer…
As a teacher, you are responsible for children’s education. However, there are other ways you can play a positive role in your students’ lives. Stay aware of these issues that children may face, and how you can help them. Bullying…
When your business is first starting out, you have a lot on your plate and it can be difficult to stay up to date with modern trends. But as your business grows and changes, you should be able to make…
The world of healthcare is complicated and requires the ability to handle a lot of information in secure ways. This makes it essential to have the right tools on your side so your medical practice can do its work effectively.…
Flying can be a great adventure! It can also be genuinely scary if you’ve never flown before. But don’t be anxious – as stressful as it might seem, it’s really quite easy. Here are the things you should know when…
If you are running a business, you know how hard it is to meet the needs of everyone on your team. But it is important that you do everything you can to make sure that your employees are happy and…
Have you gone to check out car prices recently and found yourself surprised by the universally high prices? You wouldn’t be the only one! The fact of the matter is that cars today tend to be more expensive than before…
The greatest part about owning your own business is the freedom that it gives you. You are your own boss, you can do as you please, complete your tasks on your schedule, and enjoy life on your terms. But owning…
Every business wants to make sure it’s putting out quality products. With higher quality you have improved customer satisfaction and a higher customer retention. It allows your business to grow. You should take advantage of any opportunity to improve your…
Retirement is supposed to be the time in your life when you have the least number of worries. No longer needing to work every day to sustain your standard of living should give you the time and money necessary to…
In this day and age, it’s extremely easy to become an at-home professional videographer. Well, perhaps not extremely easy – you do still need to learn the basics of the craft and come to understand what basic tools will be…
Whether you are the owner of a small business or you are an independent contractor looking to make money on your own terms without a boss breathing over your shoulder, then you know how difficult it can be to arrange…
Running a successful business of any kind in the twenty-first century requires a strong cloud software program. Cloud software helps you be able to run your business from any computer and work with your team wherever they are. Here are…