How Hard Is It to Build a Go-Kart?
Go kart racing steering wheel, selective focus
Go-karts may seem like small complicated vehicles to construct, after all, the engine alone should be complicated enough for anyone, right? Even with its perceived difficulty, people will often decide to take on this challenge for several reasons, whether it be for a personal hobby or simply to spend time with their family. Whatever your reason for building a go-kart, there is no doubt that it is one of the best hobbies to enjoy with the whole family. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before starting on building your first go-kart.
The Time
The amount of time that it will take you to build your go-kart directly connects to the amount of time you have to spare and your current skills. Simply said, you’re going to really need to put in the hours if you wish to create a good high-quality go-kart. So, if you don’t think you can dedicate at least 4 hours per day on the project then maybe it’s not the right thing for you at this moment. Building a high-quality must be given its proper attention if one wishes to truly build a high-quality and safe go-kart.
The Cost
Needless to say, building a go-kart is quite an investment for most people. The reality is that unless you’re buying a premade kart then expect to make mistakes during the process. Materials such as paint, metals, etc can really begin to add up once the building process begins. The most expensive part of your go-kart will no doubt be the engine. A 125cc engine costs about 300 dollars, which can be a major set back. We highly suggest researching carefully the exact parts and materials needed for your type of go-kart. This will allow you to control the cost much better than simply buying as you go.
As in any sport, safety must always be your number one priority. In 2014 alone, over 11,000 people were sent to their local emergency rooms because of a lack of safety awareness and preparation in their go-kart. Thus, it is always wise to invest in adding roll bars or cages to the body of the vehicle. Some will say that this slows down the speed of the kart, but when it comes to the safety of the driver, some things must be sacrificed. Addition recommendations are helmets and the installation of proper seat belts for both seats if applicable.
Building a go-kart can be a very exciting experience for everyone, but the realities of the task at hand should always be taken into consideration. Simply adhere to the topics listed above, and you’ll no doubt have a better experience building your first go-kart.