Major Public Health Crises the U.S. is Dealing With Today

It seems that there is no end to the public health crises facing the United States. Polio, high rates of tobacco use, HIV/AIDS, and the swine flu are just a few of the public health concerns we have faced over the decades. Add to that the current rate of obesity and other diseases of affluence,…

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Is Your Household Disinfectant Harming Your Health?

kitchen disinfectant safe

The last few years have given new life to disinfecting. And while killing germs that lurk on surfaces is always a good idea, you have to stop and ask yourself – what else might harsh chemical compounds be killing? The answer is your health! A 20-year study conducted by The University of Bergen in Norway…

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Emergency Pediatrician Dr. Louis Hampers Exceeds Expectations At Every Turn

Dr. Louis Hampers

Described as talented, focused, passionate, engaging, and energetic, Dr. Louis Hampers has spent his career working tirelessly as an Emergency Pediatrician. Known for always putting his patients and his staff before himself, Dr. Hampers has earned acclaim throughout the medical community. Between his clinical work, groundbreaking research, years of teaching, and leadership in administrative roles,…

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Why You Should Listen to What Your Body is Telling You

Our bodies are incredible, layered, complicated machines. Our nervous system is perfectly constructed to deliver signals to the brain about all of the goings-on in every extremity. Although it might be tempting to push the signs away, it’s important that you listen to how you feel. Make Better Health Decisions Our bodies can leave us…

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How to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Car

As a parent, one of the best ways to keep your kids safe is to keep a careful eye on them. However, you can’t always be paying undivided attention to them. This is especially true when driving in the car since your attention is on the road. Taking precautions to keep your kids safe while…

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Tools That Medical Practices Should Be Using

The world of healthcare is complicated and requires the ability to handle a lot of information in secure ways. This makes it essential to have the right tools on your side so your medical practice can do its work effectively. There are many tools on the market, and here are a few that can help…

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Important Medical Tests You Need Done After 40

Although you might not feel any major differences in your body as you age, you are more susceptible to certain diseases and health problems as you get older. It is important to regularly get medical checkups and tests done to keep you healthy for many years to come. These checkups and tests are regularly performed…

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Why a Healthy Diet is Critical as You Get Older

A healthy diet is important at any age, but it is critical as you get older. As your body ages it takes more work to stay free of illness. Considering the impact diet can have on your health, it makes sense that it’s important to get the right amount of nutrients. A healthy diet can…

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