Mosquito Hunters Search for Signs of Zika in Texas

Mosquito control is serious business in Harris County, Texas. The county, which includes Houston, stretches across 1,777 square miles and is the third most populous county in the U.S. The area’s warm, muggy climate and snaking system of bayous provide an ideal habitat for mosquitoes — and the diseases they carry. The county began battling…

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Dr. Heimlich performs maneuver to save woman

Dr. Heimlich Maneuver

Dr. Henry Heimlich recently saved a woman’s life by performing a maneuver he is credited with inventing. The gesture performed by Dr. Heimlich helped dislodge some meat stuck in a fellow resident’s airway at his senior citizen’s center. According to a recent article in the Huffington Post, Heimlich was sitting at a communal dining table at…

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Weight loss studies – Train the brain, not the body

weight loss brain training

Despite massive government, medical and individual efforts to win the war on obesity, 71 percent of Americans are overweight. The average adult is 24 pounds heavier today than in 1960. Our growing girth adds some US$200 billion per year to our health care expenditure, amounting to a severe health crisis. Drug research has not yielded…

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Medicare Drug Pricing Proposal Stirs Opposition

medicare drug price experiment

A broad proposal by Medicare to change the way it pays for some drugs has drawn intense reaction and lobbying, with much of the debate centering on whether the plan gives too much power over drug prices to government regulators. One of most controversial sections would set up a nationwide experiment, scheduled to start in…

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