3 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy a Pool for Your Home

Are you thinking about putting in a pool? Having a pool in your backyard almost makes it feel like you’re on vacation all summer long. But, there are a few things to think about when it comes to owning your own pool.


Your number one priority with your pool should be safety. Keeping your pool safe requires a little education on your part and the implementation of some rules. You’ll especially want to make sure kids know the rules. The fact is that most swimming pool deaths and injuries are preventable as long as people are smart. Here are a few ways to minimize the chances of accidents in your pool area:

  • No running on the deck should be allowed. Falls on and from decks are the most common causes of accidents around swimming pools.
  • Never allow any kind of glass items in the pool area. If glass breaks and falls into the water, it will be almost invisible but still dangerous.
  • Always have a bathroom easily accessible. Make sure kids know how important it is not to potty in the pool. Talk about germs, cooties or whatever.
  • Don’t swim alone. Swimming alone is never a good idea, regardless of your age or how good of a swimmer you are. Accidents can happen without warning.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol before swimming. Alcohol slows your reflexes, putting you more at risk of having an accident.
  • Pay attention to your health. Swimming in the heat may feel refreshing, but you can still get dehydrated. And, as Sonoma Backyard points out, if you are in the hot tub, you need to limit your time to avoid overheating.


It will take a little work on your part to keep your pool water safe and beautiful all summer. You can either hire a pool service to maintain it or take care of it yourself. Just don’t fall behind on pool maintenance. It’s a lot harder to catch up than it is to spend a few minutes on maintenance every day. 

In addition to maintaining the actual pool,  you will want to maintain the surrounding pavement to reduce the occurrence of cracks. Cracks in the pool deck and surrounding pavement can present a fall risk when walking around the pool. Fortunately, you can prevent cracks by cleaning the pavement every two to three months. Proper maintenance makes your pool much safer and last longer.


Beyond the actual expense of the pool itself, there are some other expenses that you’ll want to budget for, such as:

  • Chemicals: You’ll need a constant supply of chlorine, shock, algaecides and other chemicals to keep the water safe.
  • Utilities: The pool’s pump and heater will use a lot of electricity.
  • Company: Your home will probably become a more popular place once you have a pool. You might want to budget for more food and beverages to accommodate your guests.

Having your own pool is a lifestyle enhancement that is important to think about before committing to but that can be very fun. It’s perfect for summer and can be an enjoyable activity for your whole family. Just keep safety first in your mind so that you’ll be able to fully enjoy your new backyard oasis.


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