3 Solutions to the Most Common Frustrations of Living in a Desert

Desert life is special, and its biggest fans would live nowhere else. Denizens of desert areas love the seemingly endless sunshine and breathtaking views, but they also know the challenges of living in what is at times an inhospitable environment. Fortunately for them, there are ready solutions to alleviate some of the frustrations of desert life.

High Water Costs

If you’re planning on moving to a desert area, the high cost of water should be factored into the budget. This precious necessity might have to be transported from locations hundreds of miles away, which would obviously add to its price. As desert cities continue to grow and landscape irrigation increases, water may become scarcer and even more expensive than it currently is. One way to beat the bills is to conserve. A shower might require less water than a bath, but using a shower timer will ensure that you don’t linger. Grey Water Action suggests that the water you wash with can also be recycled for other uses such as tending the garden.

Dead Yard

In many desert cities, homeowners face restrictions on how often they can water their lawns. In areas facing extreme drought, watering may be banned outright. Even when watering is allowed, it can be difficult to maintain a green, healthy-looking yard. Brown and dead patches may develop, especially in the summer months. One of the main reasons people tend to pick up artificial grass is because of how expensive it can get to use water, fertilizer and more to keep the grass green. Celebrity Greens recommends that if your climate is a poor fit for grass, that you install artificial grass for a year-round lush look.

Extreme Weather

It’s not just that the summer months seem to be getting hotter. According to Carbon Brief, extreme weather patterns are becoming more common every year. In the desert, this means an increasing likelihood of not merely higher temperatures but also of potentially devastating thunderstorms and flash floods. It may not be possible to control the weather, but desert inhabitants can prepare for it. Gutters should be clear of debris year-round. Periodically check out the condition of your roof and make sure it is in good shape. Review where the local flood plains are and avoid at all costs venturing near them in an extreme weather event. In the future, when precipitation comes to the desert, it may come furiously and in waves.

Despite these frustrations, deserts offer not just breathtaking vistas but a unique quality of life. A little planning seems more than worth it.

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